GUIDEcx is Purpose-built for Customer Onboarding

See How GUIDEcx Stacks Up Against Other Tools

GUIDEcxStandard PM Tools
Intelligently forecasted project end date
To accurately predict the end date of a project, you need to do three things – establish dependencies, determine the duration of tasks, and identify resources. GUIDEcx tracks all three and provides a forecasted project end date so teams can adjust mid-flight.
Group task assignment tracking
Instead of creating a task for each person who needs to complete a task, assign one task to many users, and keep everyone accountable with progress tracking.
Global project trend analysis
Optimize future projects by identifying project bottlenecks and accelerators.
Restricted visibility settings
Keep internal comments and tasks private without setting up a separate project board for clients. Hide tasks, show only task titles but no details, or grant full access.
Automated emails sent from your domain
Improve email open and delivery rates by sending a communication from your company instead of the tool.
White label customer portal
Give customers a cohesive, branded experience in a personalized portal where they can view upcoming deadlines and complete tasks.
Next step email automation
Eliminate manual tracking and reminders for the next step in the project. When a task is completed, GUIDEcx automatically emails the next task assignment.
Add multiple templates into a single project
Rather than building a new project plan for every possible configuration of your implementation, you can combine multiple project templates into a single project plan.

Integrate GUIDEcx with your Project Management platform to keep teams aligned.

GUIDEcxStandard CS Tools
Intelligently forecasted project end date
To accurately predict the end date of a project, you need to do three things—establish dependencies, determine the duration of tasks, and identify resources. GUIDEcx tracks all three and provides a forecasted project end date so teams can make adjustments mid-flight.
Persona-based project experiences
Subscribe external participants to different views depending on their role to boost engagement and improve project outcomes.
Customer engagement portal
Customers can view upcoming deadlines and complete tasks from a personalized customer dashboard, accessible through secure link (no credentials required).
Resource management
Optimize resource allocation based on skills and availability, and forecast load for more accurate resource planning.
Time tracking
Get insight into how much implementations cost you, accurately bill clients, eliminate revenue leakage, and utilize reporting to improve your onboarding process.
Group task assignment tracking
Assign one task to all users who need to complete a task while still maintaining accountability through progress tracking.
Advanced onboarding reports
Drive deeper process improvement through pre-built onboarding reports designed to identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks.
White labeling
Give your customers a cohesive, branded experience.

Integrate GUIDEcx with your Customer Success platform to streamline the complete customer journey.

Intelligently forecasted project end date
To accurately predict the end date of a project, you need to do three things—establish dependencies, determine the duration of tasks, and identify resources. GUIDEcx tracks all three and provides a forecasted project end date so teams can make adjustments mid-flight.
Dependency logic
Auto dependency logic ensures tasks and milestones begin at the right time, due dates shift with delays, and task assignment emails are sent when tasks go live.
Persona-based project views
Subscribe external participants to different views depending on their role to boost engagement and improve project outcomes.
Workflow automation
Scale onboarding and increase bandwidth through intelligent automation, and eliminate time spent following up on tasks and communication.
White label customer portal
Give customers a cohesive, branded experience in a personalized portal where they can view upcoming deadlines and complete tasks.
Integrations to your tech stack
GUIDEcx offers robust integrations to over 1,000 applications so you can reduce the burden of change management and make your team, customers, and partners more effective.
Advanced Reporting
Drive process improvement through pre-built onboarding reports designed to identify inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and accelerators.
Time tracking and resource management
Track time worked on projects to get insights into how much implementations cost you and eliminate revenue leakage, and optimize resource allocation based on skills and availability.
GUIDEcxOther Tools
Persona-based project experiences
Subscribe external participants to different views depending on their role to boost customer engagement and improve project outcomes.
Intelligently forecasted project end date
To accurately predict the end date of a project, you need to do three things—establish dependencies, determine the duration of tasks, and identify resources. GUIDEcx tracks all three and provides a forecasted project end date so teams can make adjustments mid-flight.
Deep integrations through native iPaaS
Build custom integrations using GUIDEcx’s native iPaaS solution to streamline your tech stack, automate processes, and enrich your customers’ experience.
Priced for engagement
Invite unlimited customers and task owners to your projects at no additional cost. Keep all stakeholders and cross-functional teams informed without fear of being nickel-and-dimed.
Mobile app
Stay responsive and up to date in real-time, wherever you are, with the GUIDEcx mobile app for Apple and Android.
Automated emails sent from your domain
Improve email open and delivery rates by sending communication from your company instead of the tool.

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Discover how GUIDEcx can help you improve efficiency by reducing your customer onboarding timeline and increasing the capacity of your project managers. Our unparalleled professional resources and unwavering commitment to excellence support our industry-leading customer onboarding solution.